It is not every day that you get a brief to install a comprehensive water system in a hospital laboratory network encompassing four floors,
500 employees and applications from equipment washing to Microbiology and Biochemistry. Teamed with a back up system, testing system, water storage facility and Type I, II and III production abilities as well as a regular service schedule. The service schedule is managed by hospital trade employees, contractors and the Continental Water Service Technicians.
Continental Water received this brief from Royal Brisbane Hospital six years ago and designed, installed and now service what is one of the most cutting edge Pure Water combined water systems in the country.

Shane Armitage, Support Services Manager for Pathology Queensland explained how the system functions on a business as usual level as well as the various support systems to ensure that the 24/7 operation of the laboratories are not impacted should a system fail.
“Essentially the system is designed to produce and store 10,000 litres of Type II water per day. It is a duplicated system (System A and System B) so that if one system should fail or is due for a service, the second system can take over to meet the needs of the hospital laboratories”.
Each system has a Kinetico filter, softener and carbon system, followed by Reverse Osmosis. The water is then pumped to the laboratories via Ion exchange polishers, ultraviolet treatment and 0.2 micron filters.
TL 400 Reverse Osmosis systems (Duty/Standby)
System View
Each system has a Kinetico filter, softener and carbon system, followed by Reverse Osmosis. The water is then pumped to the laboratories via Ion exchange polishers, ultraviolet treatment and 0.2 micron filters.
The system also includes a 2,000 litre storage tank with a ultraviolet and Ozone combined system attached to it so that the water purity is maintained whilst in storage. Given the high volumes of water in production it was agreed that a Kinetico non-electric system would be beneficial as it operates on water pressure not electricity saving power costs in the long term. Plus it can keep operating should there be a power outage or natural disaster, such as the Brisbane floods a few years ago.
Shane explained the rigorous testing the water under goes each day. “We test the water every day for resistivity, monthly for bacteria and have the systems serviced twice a year by the Continental Water Service Technicians to make sure all the mechanical and hard ware equipment is functioning.
“The beauty of the system is that it allows us to always shut down one system and switch it over if we notice our water restivity has hit 10 megohm or there is an emergency. As a further safety measure should both System A and B fail portable DI tanks are available which can be attached to a tap to deliver Type II water for 48 hours. We also have a 90 day SDI service contract in place with Continental Water. However if a systems SDI tanks needs replacing we just call the guys and they switch over the SDI tanks within a few hours of the call”.
Shane did point out that the SDI system and related 90 day service program is highly effective as the water quality from the SDI system is such that the RO system does not have to work as hard which has meant the membranes life has been extended well beyond the normal two years. When asked if he was happy with the system, Shane highlighted
“I’m told that our water system is state of the art by visitors to the laboratories. We have more than enough quality water to meet the demands of the laboratories and all their Pure Water needs.”
Purified water storage